Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey look at this...

Heres a video slideshow that Ashley and I showed at a presentation we did for our classmates. Its got some cool photees in it from our Mexico City trip that we took with our A.I.M. class back in Feburary this year.

We got the opportunity to visit Mexico in February along with our whole class of 48 students. We saw a lot of the city and handed out food to the homeless, passed out about 35,000 flyers to invite people to church, visited a high school, did several community service projects; helped clean windows at schools, paint walls at parks, pick up litter etc. and ate lots of really good Mexican food! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am very grateful we got the opportunity. The people are very warm and accepting and seemed quite receptive. A lot of them asked us about how to get to the church building while we were passing out flyers, which was encouraging to see their interest. We also visited a few cathedrals including the basilica. The people are very religious but it’s quite sad to see them so wrapped up in religion rather than wrapped up in God. We also got to stand on top of the Latin America Tower and see the city stretch from horizon to horizon. The place is packed full of people each one of them needing God and a lot of them are still looking for him. It was overwhelming, and just a little bit scary. It made me very aware that throughout this whole thing I am utterly dependent on God who is, thankfully, infinitely bigger than me. Please pray that he will work his great grace and might through two small girls in a city of 20-something million people.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Blogging Begins...

Hey you made it to my blog! Thanks for checking it out. I'm just about to leave for Mexico City with my team mate Ashley to start work with 3 small house churches in the southern delgation of Tlalpan. I'm currently home raising support. I'm hoping to use this blog to keep you all posted with how everything goes and give you pictures and maybe even videos to go with it all. Any prayers are much appreciated :) Thanks for stopping by, hope you'll check back soon.